数据库原理:作业 03
- 掌握ER图向关系模式转换的方法;
- 使用PowerDesigner设计物理模型;
- 设置DSN;
- 通过物理模型生成数据库对象。
- 将概念模型转换为物理模型
- 直接设计物理模型
- 设置DSN
- 在PowerDesigner中使用其自带工具,生成数据库对象
物理模型(PDM):CDM反映了业务领域中信息之间的关系,它不依赖于物理实现。只有重要的业务信息才出现在CDM 中。PDM定义了模型的物理实现细节。例如,所选RDBMS的数据类型特征、索引定义、视图定义、存储过程定义、触发器定义等。
- 一个实体型转化为一个独立的关系模式,实体的码就是关系的码
- 一个1:1联系可以转换为一个独立的关系模式,也可以与任意一端对应的关系模式合并
- 一个1:n联系可以转换为一个独立的关系模式,也可以与n端对应的关系模式合并
- 一个m:n联系可以转换为一个关系模式。
- 三个或三个以上实体间的一个多元联系可以转换为一个关系模式。
- 具有相同码的关系模式可合并。
- 打开*.cdm
- 点击Tools-Generate Physical Data Model
- 设定Name和Code
- 生成PDM(Physical Data Model)
- 鼠标右键—Properties—Preview
- 将SQL内容全选—复制
- 打开Navicat for MySQL
- 在本地服务器下新建数据库Course
- 选中Course后,选择查询—新建查询
- 将PowerDesigner中复制的SQL语句,粘贴到查询编辑器
- 点击“运行”按钮,执行SQL语句
- 查看运行情况
- 观察左侧表的信息(需要刷新)
drop table if exists Constitute;
drop table if exists Gudie;
drop table if exists LinesName;
drop table if exists Scenic;
drop table if exists Team;
/* Table: Constitute */
create table Constitute
Lines_id varchar(10) not null,
Scenic_id varchar(10) not null,
primary key (Lines_id, Scenic_id)
/* Table: Gudie */
create table Gudie
Work_id varchar(10) not null,
Lines_id varchar(10),
Work_name varchar(20),
Grade text,
primary key (Work_id)
/* Table: LinesName */
create table LinesName
Lines_id varchar(10) not null,
Lines_name varchar(20),
Lines_describe text,
primary key (Lines_id)
/* Table: Scenic */
create table Scenic
Scenic_id varchar(10) not null,
Scenic_name varchar(20),
PlaceName varchar(20),
DescribeText text,
primary key (Scenic_id)
/* Table: Team */
create table Team
Team_id varchar(10) not null,
Lines_id varchar(10) not null,
Team_number int,
Begin_data date,
End_data date,
primary key (Team_id)
alter table Constitute add constraint FK_Constitute foreign key (Lines_id)
references LinesName (Lines_id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table Constitute add constraint FK_Constitute2 foreign key (Scenic_id)
references Scenic (Scenic_id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table Gudie add constraint FK_Work foreign key (Lines_id)
references LinesName (Lines_id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table Team add constraint FK_Travel foreign key (Lines_id)
references LinesName (Lines_id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
drop table if exists Company;
drop table if exists Equipment;
drop table if exists Programme;
drop table if exists Supplier;
drop table if exists Workers;
/* Table: Company */
create table Company
Company_name varchar(50) not null,
Company_number varchar(20) not null,
primary key (Company_name)
/* Table: Equipment */
create table Equipment
Equipment_id varchar(20) not null,
Programme_name varchar(50),
Supplier_name varchar(50) not null,
Equipment_name varchar(20) not null,
Production_place varchar(200) not null,
primary key (Equipment_id)
/* Table: Programme */
create table Programme
Programme_name varchar(50) not null,
place varchar(50),
primary key (Programme_name)
/* Table: Supplier */
create table Supplier
Supplier_name varchar(50) not null,
Supplier_number varchar(20) not null,
primary key (Supplier_name)
/* Table: Workers */
create table Workers
Workers_id varchar(10) not null,
Programme_name varchar(50) not null,
Company_name varchar(50) not null,
Name varchar(20) not null,
Gender char(1) not null,
primary key (Workers_id)
alter table Equipment add constraint FK_Run foreign key (Programme_name)
references Programme (Programme_name) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table Equipment add constraint FK_Supply foreign key (Supplier_name)
references Supplier (Supplier_name) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table Workers add constraint FK_Employ foreign key (Company_name)
references Company (Company_name) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table Workers add constraint FK_Words foreign key (Programme_name)
references Programme (Programme_name) on delete restrict on update restrict;
drop table if exists Borrow;
drop table if exists Borrower;
drop table if exists Libary;
drop table if exists Press_information;
/* Table: Borrow */
create table Borrow
Borrow_card_id varchar(10) not null,
Book_id varchar(20) not null,
Is_borrowring bool not null,
primary key (Borrow_card_id, Book_id)
/* Table: Borrower */
create table Borrower
Borrow_card_id varchar(10) not null,
Name varchar(20) not null,
Company varchar(20),
primary key (Borrow_card_id)
/* Table: Libary */
create table Libary
Book_id varchar(20) not null,
Press_name varchar(20),
Book_name varchar(20) not null,
Varieties varchar(20),
Storage_location varchar(20),
Borrow_data date,
Return_data date,
primary key (Book_id)
/* Table: Press_information */
create table Press_information
Press_name varchar(20) not null,
Press_E_mail varchar(20) not null,
Call_number varchar(20) not null,
Zip_code varchar(10),
Address varchar(30),
primary key (Press_name)
alter table Borrow add constraint FK_Borrow foreign key (Borrow_card_id)
references Borrower (Borrow_card_id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table Borrow add constraint FK_Borrow2 foreign key (Book_id)
references Libary (Book_id) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table Libary add constraint FK_Issue foreign key (Press_name)
references Press_information (Press_name) on delete restrict on update restrict;
Relationship:关系,包括 one to one,one to many 和many to many这三种联系类型,以及另外三个可以设置的属性:mandatory(强制性联系), dependent(依赖性联系/标定关联) 和dominant(统制联系)。
Association:关联,在很多情况下(特别是多对多关系中),我们会把联系专门提出来,作为一个实体型放在两个需要被关联的实体型中间(在PD中,选中任何一个联系,在右键的弹出菜单中选择“Change to Entity”命令即可完成联系转实体的操作)。但有的时候,把若干个实体型之间的联系抽象为一个实体型可能不太合适,这个时候你可以选择为这些实体型建立一个association,那么在生成PDM的时候,所有这些相关实体型的identifier都会被加入到association对应生成的表模型中。所以,说白了,其实association就是实体型的一种特例,用来在建模的时候更确切的表达实体间的关联信息。在PD的文档中举了一个录音带、顾客、商店三个实体型在租借录音带这个场景上发生关联,然后把租借定义为上述三个实体型之间的association的例子,非常确切。在我们的学校模型里,我定义了家访做为老师和学生实体型中间的一个association,在接下来产生的PDM中大家就可能看到这种定义所产生的效果。